Undergraduate Research Opportunities
We are always interested in working with motivated undergraduate students with an interest in biological research. Opportunities are available for both computer science majors, biology or plant science majors interested in working in the laboratory. Most of our undergraduate opportunities are coordinated by the Danforth Center, with information available here.
Graduate Research Opportunities
We have research projects for prospective graduate students. Please contact Dr. Meyers if you’re interested in the following: Small RNA biology, including their biogenesis, function, and evolution. Molecular mechanisms of plant disease resistance. Plant genomics, including regulation of gene expression.
Currently, graduate students are accepted through the University of Missouri, Columbia, Division of Plant Sciences. Dr. Meyers maintains an affiliated position with the University of Delaware, and thus could accept students from there via the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, the Department of Biology, or their graduate program in Bioinformatics. More information on graduate research at the Danforth Center is available here.
Postdoctoral Research Opportunities
If you’re a new Ph.D. or a post-doc with several years of training, we may have a good research project for you. Please contact us as we occasionally have positions for new post-docs. In addition to interesting independent research projects, we offer a supportive research environment, excellent facilities and strong ties to industry and other academic laboratories.
Genome Center
UC Davis
UC Davis
Genome Center